
Scorable Detects Rising Risk of Falling Angels across Europe and the US

bondIT’s latest credit risk analysis, powered by Scorable, reveals a continued increase in the probability of Falling Angels across Europe and the US. Notably, in Europe, the risk of Falling Angels has risen from 18% to 19.4% in the past quarter. In the US, the percentage of BBB– issuers at risk of a rating downgrade has also increased slightly from 16.7% to 17%, while emerging market issuers have experienced a drop in risk from 26.5% to 24.6%. 

The outlook for 2024 is uncertain, with an abundance of challenges ahead. Given the highly volatile global political and economic conditions, it’s crucial for investors to take proactive steps in managing credit risk. The rise of Falling Angels highlights the importance of staying vigilant. Taking a forward-looking approach is key to navigating this complex situation successfully. 

bondIT’s credit analytics platform, Scorable, harnesses machine learning and explainable-AI to predict downgrade and upgrade probability of nearly 3,000 rated corporate and financial issuers worldwide within a 12-month time frame The Rating Transition Model analyses more than 250 data variables daily including solvency ratios, capital requirements, profitability, and efficiency ratios. The platform provides actionable insights for investors, allowing them to monitor corporate bond ratings and spreads, and anticipate rating changes and investment opportunities, ahead of the market.  

Want to get access to Scorable to check which of your issuers are at most at risk? Contact the bondIT team for more info. 


Master Fixed Income Portfolio Diversification

Optimizing and maintaining portfolio diversification is an essential aspect of fixed income investment management. Diversification helps to mitigate risks, provide exposure to a variety of assets and sectors, and improve overall performance. To ensure your fixed income portfolio is well-diversified and positioned for success, you need expert guidance and powerful tools, like bondIT’s innovative platform.

In this article, we present a comprehensive checklist of tips and best practices for mastering fixed income portfolio diversification, especially for asset managers seeking to leverage bondIT’s cutting-edge solutions. Learn the importance of assessing portfolio risks, exploring new sectors, and balancing asset allocations to achieve optimal results while minimizing potential pitfalls. Equip yourself with actionable strategies to build and maintain a robust, diversified fixed income portfolio and elevate your investment management strategies with bondIT’s powerful platform.

Evaluate Your Current Portfolio

The first step in mastering fixed income portfolio diversification is taking a close look at your current holdings. Invest the time to analyze your existing portfolio, identifying which fixed income securities and sectors you already have exposure to, and assess the overall balance between risk and reward.

  • Review individual security performance and credit ratings
  • Assess the portfolio’s weighted average maturity, duration, and yield
  • Evaluate exposure to various sectors, industries, and regions
  • Determine how your portfolio is impacted by various risk factors

This thorough evaluation process can help pinpoint areas of overconcentration, identify potential gaps, and signal where adjustments may be necessary to achieve a more diversified fixed income portfolio.

Identify New Sectors and Investment Opportunities

To establish a well-diversified fixed income portfolio, it’s crucial to explore a variety of sectors and asset classes. Keep an eye on emerging investment trends, track new market developments, and consider how your portfolio could benefit from additional exposure to these opportunities.

  • Research emerging sectors such as green bonds, infrastructure bonds, or private debt
  • Consider global bonds or regional exposure as alternatives to domestic bonds
  • Investigate opportunities within high-yield bonds, mortgage-backed securities, or convertible bonds

By embracing a more exploratory mindset and incorporating a wider array of fixed income securities into your portfolio, you can benefit from improved diversification and potentially enhance overall performance.

Balance Risk and Return with Strategic Asset Allocation

Consider the risk-return tradeoff when constructing your fixed income portfolio, and allocate assets strategically to strike the desired balance between these two critical factors. To achieve optimal diversification, it’s essential to find a balance between safer, lower-yielding fixed income securities and higher-yielding, riskier assets.

  • Use an appropriate benchmark for your portfolio to establish target allocations across different fixed income asset classes and sectors
  • Distribute investments among varying credit qualities, from high-quality investment-grade bonds to riskier, high-yield bonds, as per your risk tolerance and investment objectives
  • Develop a suitable strategy for investing in bonds with varying maturities and durations to manage interest rate risk

Proper asset allocation can help you manage risk more effectively, potentially leading to more consistent long-term returns and a resilient fixed income portfolio.

Leverage bondIT’s Advanced Analytics and AI-Driven Tools

Utilizing advanced portfolio analytics and AI-driven tools like bondIT’s platform can vastly improve your ability to build and maintain a diversified fixed income portfolio. bondIT streamlines the investment decision-making process by providing intelligent insights, predictive analytics, and portfolio optimization capabilities.

  • Utilize bondIT’s AI-driven technology to analyze your fixed-income portfolio and identify areas for improvement
  • Leverage bondIT’s predictive analytics to assess potential risks and returns associated with different securities
  • Rely on bondIT’s advanced portfolio optimization features to find the ideal combination of assets that address your risk tolerance, investment objectives, and projected performance

Managing a fixed income portfolio can be significantly more effective with the power of AI and advanced analytics on your side, helping you achieve optimal diversification with efficiency and precision.

Monitor, Review, and Rebalance Your Portfolio Regularly

Maintaining a well-diversified fixed income portfolio requires regular reviews and adjustments over time. Market conditions, interest rates, and various other factors can affect your portfolio’s composition and performance. To stay on track, it’s essential to periodically reassess your asset allocation and overall diversification.

  • Review your fixed income portfolio at least quarterly or even more frequently depending on your investment strategy and market conditions
  • Monitor individual security performance, credit rating changes, and sector exposure for signs of increased risk or reduced diversification
  • Utilize bondIT’s ongoing portfolio monitoring and optimization features to identify and address any required rebalancing, ensuring your portfolio remains aligned with your investment goals

Regular portfolio reviews and rebalancing can contribute significantly to maintaining a well-diversified fixed income portfolio, ensuring long-term resilience and performance.

Foster a Long-Term Investment Mindset

Diversification is a cornerstone of successful fixed income investing, and it requires a long-term perspective. Short-term market fluctuations can be misleading and tempting to react to, but maintaining a patient approach and a disciplined investment strategy can help you achieve steady, long-term performance.

  • Focus on a long-term investment horizon when evaluating securities and building your fixed income portfolio
  • Resist the urge to time the market or make rash decisions in response to short-term market swings
  • Make measured adjustments to your portfolio over time, based on a strategic plan and long-term objectives rather than reacting to fleeting trends

By fostering a long-term investment mindset and adhering to your diversification strategy, you can effectively mitigate risks and improve the overall health and performance of your fixed income portfolio.

Adhering to these best practices and utilizing bondIT’s powerful AI-driven portfolio construction tools can significantly enhance your fixed income portfolio’s diversification, leading to more resilient, successful long-term investment outcomes.

Achieve Fixed Income Portfolio Mastery with bondIT

Mastering fixed income portfolio diversification requires a combination of strategic planning, ongoing monitoring, and expert support. bondIT’s advanced AI-driven platform empowers asset managers with the intelligence, analytics, and optimization features necessary to achieve well-diversified, high-performing fixed income portfolios.

Looking to take your fixed income portfolio management and diversification strategies to the next level? Look no further than! Our cutting-edge portfolio management software is designed to transform your investment processes and support successful long-term investment outcomes. Request a demo today and discover how bondIT can help you harness the power of technology to master fixed income portfolio diversification. Take the first step towards successful investing today!