Unlocking the Potential of SMAs:
Technology-Driven Scale & Personalization

Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) have long been prized for their ability to offer personalized investment strategies tailored to individual investor needs. Traditionally, managing SMAs has been a labor-intensive process, requiring extensive manual oversight and customization and thus only available to a small number of investors. However, with the advancement of technology, the landscape is rapidly changing, allowing for the creation and management of SMAs at scale like never before.

Why SMAs?

SMAs provide investors with direct ownership of individual securities, offering a tailored approach that bypasses the limitations of mutual funds or ETFs. With potential for greater upside and enhanced tax flexibility, SMAs address specific investor needs and risk profiles. According to Cerulli Associates, SMA assets have reached $2 trillion, reflecting a 14.1% increase from 2022, with projections indicating growth to $2.9 trillion by 2026. 

As this trend accelerates, asset & wealth managers face the critical task of ensuring they possess the necessary technological and operational infrastructure to effectively manage the increasing demand for highly customized portfolios, numbering in the hundreds and often thousands.


The Shift: Technology Driving Transformation

Technology is reshaping SMA creation and management by integrating sophisticated algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) into investment management platforms. This enables efficient analysis of vast data sets, identification of trends, and development of customized investment strategies for each client. With machine learning algorithms, portfolios can adapt in real-time to align with clients' evolving goals and risk tolerance.

Additionally, data analytics and visualization tools empower advisors with deeper insights into client portfolios and market trends, facilitating effective communication and transparent performance reporting.

Discover the Potential of SMAs to Grow Your Business

Automating & Streamlining with bondIT

With technology driving scalability and accessibility, the growth trajectory of SMAs is poised to continue, shaping the future of investment management. bondIT is at the forefront at this evolution: our platform automates and streamlines the entire process of managing fixed income SMAs, from initial investment decision-making to ongoing portfolio management and reporting, empowering advisors to deliver personalized investment strategies at scale.

With bondIT's advanced features, financial firms can navigate the complexities of managing custom SMAs with ease, ensuring a seamless and tailored experience for clients while driving growth and innovation.  

Harnessing Technology for Tomorrow's Investments

bondIT's platform offers comprehensive automation, empowering users to efficiently oversee fixed income SMAs on a large scale. With batch processing capabilities, users can monitor and execute necessary actions across multiple accounts simultaneously. Continuous monitoring ensures adherence to guidelines, promptly identifying any deviations from Investment Parameters and facilitating swift corrective measures.

By leveraging AI, automation, and data analytics, we are making SMAs more accessible, efficient, and tailored to meet diverse investor needs. As technology evolves, the potential for further innovation in SMA management remains vast.

Contact us now to discuss how our technology can unlock the potential of SMAs in your organization.

  • Efficient Portfolio Management: Define Investment Parameters (IPS) for tailored solutions, sync portfolio holdings, and support manual portfolio imports for proposal generation.
  • Market Liquidity & Security Reference Data: Access liquidity and comprehensive security data for informed investment decisions and efficient trade execution.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Identify accounts needing attention, support rebalancing, and create live portfolio reports for clients.
  • Exposure Customization: Tailor portfolios to meet individual client needs, including cash flow profiles. 
  • Tax-Efficient Strategies: Customize portfolios to specific tax preferences, optimizing overall tax efficiency within portfolios.
  • Batch Optimization: Automatically review any accounts requiring attention and generate a set of trades for execution.
  • Auto Routing: Trades are automatically routed and executed to the most attractive execution venue.